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Getting our emissions to net zero is going to be a tremendous challenge. However, imagine dividing that into smaller wedges that each represent approximately autofill Gt CO2 eq that do not enter the atmosphere between now and 2100, each bringing us closer to our 1.5°C target. Now the problem has been divided into smaller, more manageable pieces. A wide variety of current technologies and practices can realistically be scaled up to prevent greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere. While a single technology cannot remove the entire carbon reduction triangle by itself, a portfolio of different mitigation strategies can be employed to take out many greenhouse gas wedges!

Your Turn

To explore the different strategies we can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from human activity we are going to use the Design Our Climate simulation (DOCs)! Use the "First Time, Start Here" button to learn its key features.

Land Use & Agriculture

After completing the tutorial, browse through the learning tool to answer the following questions:

  • What are the five sectors of greenhouse gas mitigation strategies used in DOCs?
  • What 3 mitigation strategies do you think have the greatest impact on greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Were any of the mitigation strategies listed new or surprising to you?

Note: The concept of using wedges to show incremental wedges as steps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions was first developed by the Carbon Mitigation Initiative.

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